
Intellectual property Rights and its Implications


The Department of Biotechnology, School of Applied Sciences in Association with University Industry Interaction Centre, REVA University Organized Expert Lecture on Intellectual property Rights and its Implications on 14th March, 2024 from 10:40 AM- 11:40 AM for B.Sc. MCG 2nd Semester students of the Biotechnology Department, School of Applied Sciences.

The resource person for the day was Arshiya Ambreen, Corporate Executive & Trainer, IIC Innovation Ambassador, IPR Coordinator, REVA University.

The session was an eye opener on the basics of Intellectual Property Rights (IPRs) for beginners. The speaker explained about the different types of intellectual property rights emphasizing the difference between patents, copyrights, trademarks, GI, and trade secrets. The resource person specified the importance of filing patents. Drafting a patent and importance of complete specification was thoroughly explained during the session along with patent laws in India and abroad.